xProxDetect is a MODX extra extending MODX's hardening with proxy, TOR, virtual private network (VPN) and specific-country connctions.
This extra require an API key from IPqualityscore proxy detection service (free plan available).
Installation & configuration
Download xProxDetect, upload the install the package via the MODX Package Management system.
Copy the API Key to plugin script properties (xpd_ipqualityscore_apikey). The API key is sent by email after registration and available in your IPqualityscore account.

Plugin settings
Filter (deny) countries by ISO alpha-2 codes, separated by commas.
Output result without redirection. Works only in non-manager pages. Warning: if enabled, it will override all you website pages.
Expose results as params in URLs to perform additional actions on redirection page if needed. Example: https://www.yoursite.com/xproxdetect.html?xapi=0&tor=1&xtor=1
ipqualityscore API Key. The key is send after registration and accessible through ipqualityscore dashboard.
Resource ID for Redirection URL if proxy, TOR or VPN detected.
Resource ID for Redirection URL for banned countries.
Check TOR first with an alternative method before to use API. Acts a s a 'Eco mode' regarding API calls and credits. Please note if quota is exceeded, the proxy and VPN detections will be temporary suspended, excepting TOR detection if this option is enabled.
Allow bots and crawlers for search engine indexing and SEO tools such us Google Search Console. Do not disable if SEO does matter.
Enable xProxDetect onbly for this resource ID. xProxDetect will still (automatically) active on Manager login page. Format: comma separated list without spaces (e.g.: 100,256).
If xpd_seofriendly enabled, allow this bots and crawlers. Default:apple|baidu|bingbot|facebookexternalhit|duckduckbot|googlebot|-google|ia_archiver|msnbot|naverbot|pingdom|seznambot|slurp|teoma|twitter|yandex|yeti
Démo & test
You can install TOR or use a proxy online service and reload or load this page (https://www.itchiweb.com/en/doc/xproxdetect/) and see what it happens.