
Deploys front -end user interface in minutes

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xFrontUser is a suite of tools for MODX to deploys front-end user interface: register, login, notifications, account deletion, credential recovery links, user data export and user account interface.

xFrontUser comes with a sample of ready-to-use resources (buttons, navbars, user panel).

This suite of tools will be particularly useful for web agencies by saving them considerable time for the implementation of front-end user accounts.


Download and install the extra with the MODX installer. In addition to chunks and snippets, the following resources will be installed:

  • xFtrontUser example
  • xFtrontUser User Area
  • My Profile
  • My Password
  • My Settings
  • My data
  • Other
  • xFrontUser Activation
  • xFrontUser ResetPassword


Some IDs need to be changed to match the IDs of the installed resources. You'll find these IDs in the web context settings, under xfrontuser namespace : xfu_login xfu_logout xfu_pwreset xfu_regconfirm In context settings / core: cultureKey (e.g. fr | en | jp).

Main snippets


/login button and ajax login modal window.

xAjaxLoginPro is an extended version of xAjaxLogin MODX extra (demo).

xAjaxLoginPro Doc


Ajax register/sign-up modal window for fast user account creation.

User registration snippet to create register/sign-up button and AJAX sign-up form. This snippet is designed to optimize a quick registration process. At first connection, users are invited to complete their profiles following the choosen field validation settings.

xRegister Doc


Generate "forgot password" button and form for user and password recovery.

xRecover Doc


This snippet generates the front-end user administration pages and code to allow users to change their profile and settings.

xUserArea Docs


What is the difference with the Login extra?
xUserAccount is a layer to Login extra with a suite of tools to save integration time and enhance user experience.
Can I use xUserAccount in multiple project?
Please refer to the license attached to this extra.