xRS MODX extra

Search for RS photos

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Display ResourceSpace search results

The 'search' action allow to search for ResourceSpace images by keywords and show collections (photo sets).

It use and extend the do_search API including extra data and image paths. As the do_search API is used, all advanced search options are available: wildcards, last added and related photos, colour key...

The 'extend' option is enabled by default.

Snippet options

Option Values Default / Notes
action search|collection
extend 0|1 1
search string search terms
tpl debug
custom chunk
pOptions string pThumb options


xRS search & paging (scroll mode)

xRS search with custom chunks

xRS search & internal templates

xRS search & paging

xRS Search debug


You can specify your custom chunks to customize image items.

All available placeholders can be displayed by activating the debug mode.