xRS MODX extra

Debug mode

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Show response and placeholders

The xRS debug mode allow to display ResourceSpace JSON response and placeholders.

Please note value filters are not applied here. For exemple the RS API for the field [[+iptccountry]] returns ,France (note the comma) and ResourceSpace extra filter the placeholder output to display France (without the comma).


Debug mode ON

{"ref":"3416","title":"","resource_type":"1","has_image":"1","is_transcoding":"0","hit_count":"0","new_hit_count":"18604","creation_date":"2020-09-13 17:57:36","rating":"","user_rating":"","user_rating_count":"","user_rating_total":"","country":"","file_extension":"jpg","preview_extension":"jpg","image_red":"0","image_green":"564","image_blue":"1000","thumb_width":"175","thumb_height":"117","archive":"0","access":"0","colour_key":"NEBW","created_by":"2","file_path":"","file_modified":"2020-09-13 17:57:53","file_checksum":"","request_count":"0","expiry_notification_sent":"0","preview_tweaks":"0|1","geo_lat":"","geo_long":"","mapzoom":"","disk_usage":"5992035","disk_usage_last_updated":"2020-09-13 17:57:53","file_size":"3350349","preview_attempts":"0","modified":"2020-09-21 19:40:52","last_verified":"","integrity_fail":"0","iptcdate":"2018-11-11 09:39","iptctitle":"Tokyo urban landscape","iptccountry":",Japan","originalfilename":"001-000112.034.jpg","iptckeywords":"japan, 001-000112, tokyo, urban landscape, city, building, wide view, aerial view","iptccredit":"Tadayoshi Nakamura","iptccaption":"Tokyo as seen from the Tokyo Sky Tree tower (634 m). Japan, November 2018.","person":"","subject":"","event":"","emotion":"","iptcheadline":"Tokyo urban landscapes","iptccity":"Tokyo","exifhrheight":"","exifcamera":"X-T2","phrrating":",5","rsorientation":",Landscape","exifhrwidth":"","exiforientation":"Horizontal (normal)","iptcstate":"","iptccountrycode":"JPN","iptccopynotice":"Jean-Philippe Dain","imageheight":"1333","imagewidth":"2000"}

Available variables for CHUNK:
[[+ref]] = 3416
[[+title]] =
[[+resource_type]] = 1
[[+has_image]] = 1
[[+is_transcoding]] = 0
[[+hit_count]] = 0
[[+new_hit_count]] = 18604
[[+creation_date]] = 2020-09-13 17:57:36
[[+rating]] =
[[+user_rating]] =
[[+user_rating_count]] =
[[+user_rating_total]] =
[[+country]] =
[[+file_extension]] = jpg
[[+preview_extension]] = jpg
[[+image_red]] = 0
[[+image_green]] = 564
[[+image_blue]] = 1000
[[+thumb_width]] = 175
[[+thumb_height]] = 117
[[+archive]] = 0
[[+access]] = 0
[[+colour_key]] = NEBW
[[+created_by]] = 2
[[+file_path]] =
[[+file_modified]] = 2020-09-13 17:57:53
[[+file_checksum]] =
[[+request_count]] = 0
[[+expiry_notification_sent]] = 0
[[+preview_tweaks]] = 0|1
[[+geo_lat]] =
[[+geo_long]] =
[[+mapzoom]] =
[[+disk_usage]] = 5992035
[[+disk_usage_last_updated]] = 2020-09-13 17:57:53
[[+file_size]] = 3350349
[[+preview_attempts]] = 0
[[+modified]] = 2020-09-21 19:40:52
[[+last_verified]] =
[[+integrity_fail]] = 0
[[+iptcdate]] = 2018-11-11 09:39
[[+iptctitle]] = Tokyo urban landscape
[[+iptccountry]] = Japan
[[+originalfilename]] = 001-000112.034.jpg
[[+iptckeywords]] = japan, 001-000112, tokyo, urban landscape, city, building, wide view, aerial view
[[+iptccredit]] = Tadayoshi Nakamura
[[+iptccaption]] = Tokyo as seen from the Tokyo Sky Tree tower (634 m). Japan, November 2018.
[[+person]] =
[[+subject]] =
[[+event]] =
[[+emotion]] =
[[+iptcheadline]] = Tokyo urban landscapes
[[+iptccity]] = Tokyo
[[+exifhrheight]] =
[[+exifcamera]] = X-T2
[[+phrrating]] = ,5
[[+rsorientation]] = Landscape
[[+exifhrwidth]] =
[[+exiforientation]] = Horizontal (normal)
[[+iptcstate]] =
[[+iptccountrycode]] = JPN
[[+iptccopynotice]] = Jean-Philippe Dain
[[+imageheight]] = 1333
[[+imagewidth]] = 2000
[[+imgref]] = 001-000112.034
[[+url]] = https://photoarchives.jpdn.net/filestore/3/4/1/6_ca373374c596332/3416_654e26ee272d002.jpg
[[+newimg]] = https://www.jpdn.net/assets/image-cache/pthumb/filestore/3/4/1/6_ca373374c596332/3416_654e26ee272d002.7d916815.jpg

ResourceSpace limitations

Caption field

By default ResourceSpace mirror the first 200 chararacters of IPTC caption field into a table named resource.

The API resturns this caption excerpt by default ; it is possible to get the full caption with some modifications.

You have already uploaded images in RS

1) Via phpMyAdmin, delete caption data in table resource_data :
UPDATE `resource_data` SET `value`='' WHERE `resource_type_field`=[id]. Replace [id] with the ID of the IPTC caption field (18 by default).

2) In your RS config.php file, change the setting $resource_field_column_limit to your new chars limit (e.g. 1000):

3) In phpMyAdmin, increase the lenght of the field to the same limit for the field[id]:

4) Run the RS update_exiftool_field.php utility, passig the field ID [id] with the following parameters:

You have not downloaded any images yet

Just start to step 2